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7 Tips to pick the best essential oil brand

Diane Brommer • Apr 13, 2020

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Hi there !

When I started out on my ESSENTIAL OIL journey, I knew very little about them. 
I was mostly enchanted by the idea of a more NATURAL LIFESTYLE.
It was only until later that I discovered, why the oils I was using were the best match  for me.

It's a jungle out there when it comes to essential oils.
So many different brands.
All trying to grab your attention with fancy labels, beautiful displays and killer reviews.

So how do you choose?
How do you know what's  best for you?

Here are 7 THINGS I learned about essential oils that can help you pick the best essential oil brand for you.

1. 100% NATURAL
The whole point of using essential oils - in my opinion - is that you want it to add to a more NATURAL LIFESTYLE.
That's why I like my oils 100% natural.
Meaning, they actually come from plants.
If this is important to you too, then check if the oil you're looking to buy really is 100% natural.
You see, a lot of essential oils out there aren't from botanical origin.
They are artificially made synthetic essential oils, designed to imitate the natural ones.
And a lot of the synthetic oils are made from chemicals - usually petroleum derived - and may contain harmful toxins.

Essential oils come in different bottle sizes. 
Standard sizes are:  5 ml, 10 ml or 15 ml.
To avoid any disappointment later on, make sure you check the size of the bottle.
Especially when you're ordering online.

Also check if it's pure essential oil your getting.
In oder to keep the prices low, a lot of essential oils these days are diluted.
Chemical fillers & alcohols are added. 
Or the essential oils are mixed in with cheaper oils.
Needless to say that these diluted oils may well not be (as) effective for therapeutic use. 

Essential oils can be use in different ways: aromatic (scent) and topical (skin).
Only a select few brands allow for the essential oils to be use internally too.
So if that's what you're looking for, do your research.
What you don't want is to harm yourself with an essential oil that isn't fit for internal use !

This consistency aspect is easily overlooked.
But nothing is more frustrating than ordering an essential oil one time - falling in love with it - and then have it be of a different quality the next time around.
That's why I choose to go with a brand that guarantees me solid product quality again and again.
No matter what.
So if like me, you want to order the same essential oil on a regular basis, it's worth checking if the brand has a standard for essential oil purity & potency and has some kind of testing policy or quality control in place.

I like it when my money is contributing to a better world for all.
So, when I'm buying my oils, as with any other investment really, I like to know that the company is thinking about more than just making a profit.
If this is important to you too, then look into the company values behind the brand.
Is essential oil the companies core business?
How accessible is the company's customer service?
Does the company takes care of it's employees?
Does the company source the oils from plants grown in their natural habitat?
Are they into long term working relationships with suppliers/distillers?
Do they practice fair trade and pay their workers fair wages?
Does the company give-back to the community?

ESSENTIAL OILS, just like DIFFUSERS come in a wide price range.
You can spend anything from €3,00 to over €30,00 for a bottle of Lavender essential oil.
So what then is a good price?
Well, that is something you will have do decide for yourself, given the information you now have.
But in short, what it comes down to is that the higher the quality, the more expensive the oil tends to be.

So there you have it.
Your 7 TIPS to pick the best essential oil brand for you.
Now you can make an informed choice!
It's up to you now to find your mix of what's important for you and then find the brand to match that.

Happy oil hunting !

  • Do you want to know which brand I am using in my essential oil coaching practice? You can find them HERE and SHOP for them too.
  • Sign-up HERE and get an Essential Oils LIVE guide for free !
  • Want to work with me? Check out this PAGE
  • Book an Essential oil coaching session with me HERE
  • For more information please contact me at or click THIS LINK and I will get in touch with you !
With Magical Greetings!

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